Visual Art
Cornerstone Christian Schools offers a robust visual arts program for students in Kindergarten through grade 12.
At CCS, students learn and use the elements of art and the principles of design to talk about, and create art. Beginning with basic concepts, students are exposed to opportunities that are increasingly more and more advanced including various art mediums, artistic styles and creative techniques. Students experience the art making process and develop skills that build year after year.
As students progress through the program, external opportunities abound to share artwork at a professional level. CCS hosts multiple art shows each year. Additionally, numerous competitions are available to students, many which award cash and/or scholarships. Notable competitions include: ACSI Art Festival, Visual Art Scholastic Event (VASE), and the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Contest.
Through Cornerstone Christian School Theatre program, students will create dramatic art that reveals and glorifies God to a world in need of His beauty and redemption.
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