CCS Student Spotlight
Congratulations to Eliah W who has had remarkable success in Theatre, Band, and Art this year. Eliah plays tuba in the high school band and bass in the jazz band. He made 5th chair in the ATSSB Region Symphonic Band and placed 11th at the 3A Area Band audition (11th best tuba in 3A South Texas schools). He will be playing a solo for the TAPPS competition on March 29th, compete with the band at TAPPS state competition on April 20th, play in the band concert on April 20th and a Spring concert on May 18th.
In the Art Department, Eliah is a first year art student and already his art has competed against 1600 works of art at VASE (Visual Art Scholastic Event) and advanced to State Competition.
Eliah was also part of the cast that won the State One Act Play Competition!
Eliah is very talented naturally. But, he also is very conscientious about his work. If he does it, he wants to do it well. Congratulations Eliah! We are very proud of you for your amazing trifecta Art, Theatre, and Band accomplishments!